Residential Centres for Mentally Retarded Adult Males and Females

Shrimad Rajchandra Mansik Apang Mandir
Males: 1. Santram Bhavan, 2. Shri Indukaka Ipkowala Bhavan, 3. Bhagvat Nivas
Females:1. Shrimad Rajchandra Mansik Apang Mandir-Baheno 2. K.P.Sanghvi Group (Mansik Apang Bhagini Mandir), 3. Smt. Parsanben Narandas Ramji shah Talajawala Mansik Apang Mandir

Mentally Retarded persons pose many problems to their relatives. Heartless soc. mocks at them & forces them towards madness. It is for such persons that the “SAHYOG” comes forward and admits them into the centre. They are not only cared with love, but are also given speech training, training for improving general behaviour. spinning on Ambar Charkha, Tree growing, care of cows, office & peon work, Kitchen work. Services like physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Toilet Training, solving behaviour problem, Cultural programmes, Sports etc. are also provided. Some are even toilet untrained. Depending on the individual understanding capacity, they are trained.
This is the only residential centre in Gujarat for Adult Mentally Retarded males.